William's Short-Form Videos To Share His Travel Stories & Promote Tour Company

We're working with William Meara to share videos for his personal travel content page as well as his company Ready for Road, a tour operator running tours in Pakistan, Mexico and Mauritania.

Ellie Wookey

April 1, 2024

Our work with William

William Meara is the owner of Bingo Loco, the world's biggest bingo party and Ready for Road, a tour operator running trips to Pakistan, Mexico and Mauritania.

We supported William with video content for his personal account, sharing his travel stories and adventures, and provided him with content ideas, video scripts and edited the videos to his personal branding and style. William received a high level of engagement on each video, with his followers commenting on how his love for travel, and in particular Pakistan, was obvious in the videos.

We also created video content for Ready for Road, with the goal of promoting their tours and sharing the experiences that previous groups have had in each country they tour in. One of the videos we edited got 27.9K views and was a joint collaboration post with Christianne Risman, a travel content creator with over 250,000 followers across all her social media platforms.

Check out William's video content:

Personal Instagram

Ready for Road Instagram

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